

At every stage of its processes, Mazsan Makine considers about its employees and the environment first and shapes the company's culture accordingly.



As Mazsan Makina;


We are aware that our employees are the most important element for sustainable growth, and we take care to ensure that they are aware and use all their rights.


In our company, we do not discriminate and do not allow any discrimination by no means, among our employees due to religion, language, sect, race, gender, political thought, age, and physical obstacle.


By supporting cooperation, creating a harmonious and positive working environment and preventing conflicts, we enable people with different beliefs, thoughts and views to work in together in teams.


We value the thoughts of our employees and ensure them to share their ideas and thoughts by making them feel our respect.

Employee representatives listen to the requests and complaints of all employees and inform senior management at regular meetings or where necessary. As management, we seek solutions to their problems also with their help.


We prioritize creating a working environment which is safe, healthy and suitable for human dignity.


We do not employ child labor in our factory. For our young employees (intern), we do not exceed statutory working time and also do not let them work at night or in dangerous conditions.


We plan the working hours and leave days fairly and we try not to make them work in a situation compelling them.


We regularly carry out health checks of our employees, and raise their awareness through training for their health and safety.

We act sensitively to the culture of our country and act in accordance with all legal regulations. We take care to fulfill our social and environmental responsibilities towards our society.


We analyze the environmental risks that may arise from every activity we are doing and manage with a sense of environmental responsibility. We endeavor and strive to determine any improvement and development effort that will minimize our environmental footprints.

We try to ensure that all our business partners, especially our suppliers, comply with Mazsan Makina standards for social responsibility.


We encourage our employees and suppliers to certify their practices by complying with international standards.